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CPE Application


Beaumont Health CPE Center
ACPE Application

Please complete every part of this application in a comprehensive and reflective manner to assist with the determination of your readiness for this program. Before completing your application, we strongly recommend you review the Association for Clinical
Pastoral Education (ACPE) Frequently Asked Questions
 as well as the ACPE Objectives and Outcomes for CPE.

Please select the type of CPE you are applying for*

  • Please note that an in person interview is required for all admission types.
  • To be considered for the residency program applicants must have successfully completed one unit of CPE.
  • Residency applicants must also submit a Beaumont Health employment application.
Which unit would you like to be considered for?*

Please enter in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Directory Information

U.S Citizen*

If you are an international applicant and offered employment, can you submit verification of your legal right to work in the U.S?
Authorization to work in the U.S. is required for all applicants. Please note that if you are an international applicant and are NOT authorized to work in the United States of America, then you are not eligible to apply for Clinical Pastoral Education, and should not submit this application. An R-I Visa can NOT be accepted.
Beaumont Health maintains a tobacco free environment in all of its offices, facilities and surrounding campuses. Furthermore, we have a tobacco/nicotine free policy and will only hire and educate tobacco/nicotine free candidates. Will you be able to comply with this policy?

Education / Affiliations

Please enter in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Ex: Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies
Please enter in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Ex: Master of Divinity; Master of Arts - Pastoral Care
Please enter in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Ex: number of units, CPE date, center, certified educator Please enter information for each CPE unit on a separate line.

Required Documents to Upload

Please upload the following listed essays and documents in Microsoft Word or PDF format. Essays should be between 800-1,400 words, or 3-5 double-spaced pages. All essays must be 12pt Arial font, double-spaced, and include your last name, document number, and page number in the document header (for example, page 1 of your ‘Full Account of Life Essay’ should have a header formatted as “Smith-1-1”). Other file formats will not be accepted.

Please complete essays in a reflective and transparent manner that facilitates an initial awareness of your history and formative experiences.

A reasonably full account of your life. Include, for example, significant and important persons and events, especially as they have impacted, or c continue to impact, your personal growth and development. Describe your family of origin, current family relationships, and important and supportive social relationships.
Document #1 - Full Account of Life Essay*
File name must be formatted as: "Last name - document number" (Ex: Smith-1)
A description of your spiritual growth and development. Include, for example, the faith heritage into which you were born and describe and explain any subsequent, personal conversions, your call to ministry, religious experiences, and significant persons and events that have impacted, or continue to impact, your spiritual growth and development.
Document #2 - Spiritual Growth & Development Essay*
File name must be formatted as: "Last name - document number" (Ex: Smith-1)

Please submit an accurate CV/Resume that describes your educational and professional history in detail. Include a chronological list of jobs/positions/dates of employment and a brief statement about your current employment and work relationships.

Document #3 - Current CV/Resume (Education & Work History) *
File name must be formatted as: "Last name - document number" (Ex: Smith-1)

An account of a “helping incident” in which you were the person who provided the help. Include the nature and extent of the request, your assessment of the issue(s), problem(s), situation(s). Describe how you came to be involved and what you did. Give a brief, evaluative commentary on what you did and how you believe you were able to help.

If you have had prior and recent CPE, please attach a copy of a recent verbatim as your 'helping incident' and add to the verbatim your own notes on how and what you learned from sharing this verbatim with your supervisor and/or peers.

If you have had CPE, but it was more than two years ago, include a recent account of a helping incident, written up in a verbatim format. If possible, include feedback from current pastoral colleagues and/or administrative supervisor.

Document #4 - Helping Incident Essay/Recent Verbatim*
File name must be formatted as: "Last name - document number" (Ex: Smith-1)
Your impressions of Clinical Pastoral Education. Indicate, for example, what you believe or imagine CPE to be. Indicate if CPE is being required of you. Indicate any learning goals or issues of which you are aware and would like to address in CPE. Finally, indicate how CPE may be able to help you meet needs generated by your ministry or call to ministry. If you have had prior CPE, please indicate the most significant learning experience you had during CPE. State how you have continued to use the clinical method since your previous experience. Indicate strengths and weaknesses that you have as they relate to your ministry and your identity as a professional person. Indicate any personal and/or professional learning goals and issues that you have at this time and how you believe that CPE will help you to attain or address these learning goals and issues.
Document #5 - Impressions of CPE Essay (must include 3 learning goals for your potential unit)*
File name must be formatted as: "Last name - document number" (Ex: Smith-1)
If you have prior CPE, attach ALL previous self AND supervisory evaluations here in order to be considered:
Previous Unit Self Evaluation (if applicable)
File name must be formatted as: "Last name - Previous Unit Self Evaluation" (Ex: Smith-Previous Unit Self Evaluation)
Previous Unit Supervisory Evaluation (if applicable)
File name must be formatted as: "Last name - Previous Unit Supervisory Evaluation" (Ex: Smith-Previous Supervisory Evaluation)

Academic Reference

Ex. Ashland Theological Seminary
Ex. City, State

Denominational Reference

Ex. Ashland Theological Seminary
Ex. City, State

Personal Reference

Application Terms & Conditions

  • You are required to complete an admissions interview with an ACPE Certified Educator and interview team. Contact the center to check on their policy regarding admission interviews.
  • CPE Centers often require an application fee. Please check this requirement in advance of submitting this application. If you are interviewing at a center other than the one to which you are applying, you may be required to pay an interview fee, usually due at the time of the interview.
  • If you are an international applicant, you will have to obtain appropriate documentation from U.S. Immigration, which usually implies a visa and a US Social Security Number. An R-I Visa can not be accepted. Therefore, international applicants should have such documentation approved at least six (6) months prior to  the start of the program to which they are applying.
  • An applicant with prior CPE should attach all previous self and supervisory evaluations and your signature below indicates you give permission for your previous CPE centers to release your evaluations for purposes of this application process.
  • Retain your own copy of this completed application and bring it with you to any interview for CPE.
I certify that all information in this application is factually true, complete, and honestly presented. I understand that I may be subject to disciplinary action, including admission revocation or program expulsion, should the information I’ve certified be false. I hereby give permission to the ACPE center to which I am applying to access my CPE evaluations and contact previous supervisory personnel about matters pertaining to this current application, and I consent for those contacted to provide the information sought. I verify that if sending in this application electronically it constitutes my electronic signature.
Ex: John Adam Smith
Please enter a valid email address below for communications about this application.

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